Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Coming attrractions

I am writing a short essay on Von Mises' bok 'Liberalism'. It should be done sometime next week, if I am not killed by all the physics homework.

Friday, February 9, 2007

New Slaves?

What distinguishes a slave class. I think that a slave class is three things. Noticeably different from the non-slave class, has a different culture that they cling too, and finally a different original language. Take the Romans for example. They too Greeks to be slaves all the time. The Greeks fit all these categories. they had their old culture of the Polis and Aristotle, and they all spoke Greek natively and they are different. These qualifiers are probably this way because in times past slaves were taken in war, and those were usually people far different that had been subjugated.

Now for American slavery. The slaves were quite obviously told from the free. They were very much different from the free owner culture. This, of course, was enforced and the black slaves were not allowed to assimilate in any way. To top this all off, the black slaves were sort of forced into a different habit of speech.

Now lets talk about Illegal Immigration. Isn't it odd that we now have a group of people coming from Mexico, doing all the dirty jobs that Liberal rich kids wont do, who speak another language, have another culture, and look different. And the left is not permitting any Mexicans to assimilate. They have laws meant to make us feel good about helping the poor stupid Mexican immigrants who, for some reason, cannot learn English or our culture, unlike any other immigrant group before. We have to teach them in Spanish in some states, businesses are going bilingual. and the biggest obstacle in the way for Mexican assimilation is illegal immigration.

Illegal immigration makes it impossible for anyone to see a Mexican immigrant and not be suspicious. Lets face it, Illegals take all sorts of taxpayer money and send it back to Mexico. so now we have this highly segregated race who will not assimilate, and who, many of them aren’t even citizens. this look suspiciously like the start of a slave culture to me. And the Left is exacerbating it.

Tuesday, February 6, 2007

Non-PC History Part One

This is my non-politicly-correct Civil War Historical summery,

The civil war was an almost inevitable clash of two fundamentally different cultures making up America at the time. There was the Southern agriculture society that hinged on slow development and growing stuff. and then there was the Northern culture of factory. Now if these two cultures had remained balanced then the whole slavery thing would probably have worked itself out with the inventions of machines.

But the North exploded with population of immigrants thereby forcing the south into what is termed a 'Permanent Minority'. A permanent minority was descibed by De Toquville before the civil war. It is when a large group of people in a country like ours is somehow permanently outnumbered in every way. Now when a group of people are in this position, they cannot keep any laws from being passed, they are completely at the mercy of the 'permanent majority'. There were checks on the permanent majority in the House of Representatives caused by immigration; namely the Senate and the President. Then there were all sorts of aggreements to try to keep the northern states and the southern states balanced. But then California was ready to enter the union and there were no southern states to enter. So another somprimse was forced on the southerners letting California in and making the southerners a permanent minority in the Senate as well. This left only the President (because the suprime court was, as it still is, ineffectual at actually protecting peoples rights) Then Lincoln happened, and the South was cornered. And they turned to fight to protect EVERYTHING that they now considered their way of life that the North was forcing from them. This unfortunately included slavery.

Hello to you random visitors...

Well, I am starting this blog for fun, to post ideas and essays on just about anything that strikes my fancy. This could include art, chemistry, physics, economics, religion, and of course, politics.
..... Whenever I have time